Donald Trump Syndication: The Record

Donald Trump is set to square off against Joe Biden in the upcoming 2024 Presidential Election in November. The two political opponents have already agreed to a nationally televised debate in June, but Trump is not waiting until June to publicly roast his opponent.

On Tuesday, Donald Trump posted a wild video on social media that hyped up his own golf game while also roasting current United States President Joe Biden after some of his recent falls in public.

The video, posted to Instagram on Tuesday, begins with Trump walking up to a golf tee and taking a big swing, driving the golf ball down the course. But after Trump drives the ball, the shot switches to various clips of Biden falling, and Trump’s golf ball is digitally added to the shots as if his ball hitting Biden is what caused the falls.

“FORE,” Trump captioned the video, adding a golf flag emoji.

Obviously, it seems like this is going to be a long election cycle with plenty of personal attacks between Trump and Biden, and this video is just more evidence of that.

[Donald Trump]