Donald Trump John David Mercer-USA TODAY Sports

This week, Republican presidential candidate Chris Christie called out former United States President Donald Trump for how much time he spends on the golf course instead of helping the American people, and he might have a point.

During a recent appearance on The View, Chris Christie claimed that Donald Trump spent more time golfing than trying to solve “the problems of this country.”

“The guy spends more time playing golf and sitting in a tuxedo at Mar-a-Lago than he does worrying about the concerns and the problems of this country,” Christie said.

As it turns out, Christie’s criticism of Trump definitely has some merit when you consider just how much time he spent on the golf course during his presidency.

As Lauren Victoria Burke of Seattle Medium points out, Trump spent 307 days on the golf course during his time in office.

“President Donald Trump has spent 307 days, almost a full year, golfing during his presidency. The total is likely to be the most golf outings of any president in history,” Burke wrote for Seattle Medium.

As Burke points out, these golf trips came at an astronomical cost to the American taxpayers even during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“During the worst pandemic to hit the U.S. since the influenza pandemic of 1919, President Donald Trump has been on the golf course over 280 times during his presidency at a cost of over $100 million,” Burke wrote.

So it sounds like Christie was right to criticize the amount of time Trump spends playing golf.

[Seattle Medium]