From Power Rangers, Beanie Babies and Napster to frosted tips, dozens of boy bands and dozens of wannabe boy bands, the 1990s brought just about everything, including a video game revolution. We are 15 years removed from the decade dominated by N64, Game Boy and PlayStation but those video game systems and a few others are still seeing heavy use due to their large repertoire of groundbreaking, entertaining and real money making games for the companies selling them.

Here are the best-selling video games worldwide between January 1, 1990 and December 31, 1999, starting with a couple classics from Game Boy:

25. Super Mario Land 3

Game Boy – 1994

24. Dr. Mario

Game Boy – 1990

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23. Tekken 2

PlayStation – 1996

22. Crash Bandicoot 3

PlayStation – 1998

21. Tekken 3

PlayStation – 1998

20. Final Fantasy VIII

PlayStation – 1999

19. Sonic the Hedgehog

Sega Genesis – 1992

18. Street Fighter

Super Nintendo – 1992

17. Goldeneye 007

N64 – 1997

16. Crash Bandicoot

PlayStation – 1996

15. Crash Bandicoot 2

PlayStation – 1997

14. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

N64 – 1998

13. Mario Kart 64

N64 – 1996

12. Gran Turismo

PlayStation – 1997

11. Super Mario Kart

Super Nintendo – 1992

10. Final Fantasy VII

PlayStation – 1997

9. Donkey Kong Country

Super Nintendo – 1994

8. Super Mario All Stars

Super Nintendo – 1993

7. Super Mario 64

N64 – 1996

6. Super Mario Land 2

Game Boy – 1992

5. Super Mario Land

Game Boy – 1989

4. Super Mario Brothers 3

Nintendo – 1988

3. Super Mario World

Super Nintendo – 1990

2. Pokeman Red/Green/Blue

Game Boy – 1996

1. Tetris

Game Boy – 1989