The first football game I ever attended was at Falcon Stadium, located at the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs.  I grew up in Colorado Springs and have kept a watchful eye over the Falcons as I have matured.  For argument’s sake, the Falcons won that day but I can’t for the life of me remember who they played.  What I do remember is how the cadets had to come out of the stands every time Air Force scored and do push-ups equal to the points on the AFA side while counting them off:

Over the past few days the Waldo Canyon Fire in Colorado Springs has begun to spin out of control.  As of the time of this writing (9:36PM Pacific, June 26, 2012), 32,000 people have been evacuated, nearly 5,200 acres have been burned, and the fire is 5% contained.  There are high winds and temperatures hotter than Las Vegas.  In its’ history, Colorado Springs has had six days at over 100 degrees.  Half of them were in the last week.

The fire is coming at the city from both sides, north and south.  To the south lies the Garden of the Gods and to the north lies none other than the Air Force Academy and Falcon Stadium.  The Academy has begun evacuations and things are not looking good, as you can see here:

That’s Falcon Stadium in the foreground.  The fire may not look close, but the fire couldn’t be seen on the stadium side of the mountain this morning.  It’s moving, and moving fast.

Please send your prayers, well-wishes, good mojo, excess karma, and whatever else you have to the city of Colorado Springs, the Air Force Academy, and the brave firefighters/police that are on the front lines.

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