This was actually released. No joke. The film Tiptoes — which stars Matthew McConaughey as a man worried that the child Kate Beckinsale is about to deliver will be a dwarf like the rest of his family (including, “in the role of a lifetime,” Gary Oldman) was debuted at the 2004 Sundance Festival but for some reason never saw the light of day. For the record, I am not surprised Matthew signed up for something like this. Look for the first episode of Tosh.0 to feature this brilliant movie.

Also we uncovered this one:

“Biggest Meltdown: Tiptoes director Matthew Bright, whose creative differences with the film’s husband-and-wife producers caused him to wish them ‘dead’ and note that one resembled ‘an a–hole with teeth”

Here is Tosh.0’s recap which is slightly NSFW but hilarious

And here is the trailer:

via Tosh

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