Former Chicago Cubs slugger Sammy Sosa is just one of the many retired professional athletes that has tried to get their name back in the spotlight by joining social media. He joined Twitter (@TheRealMr609) back in October, and he has more recently taken his talents to the popular photo sharing/social network site, Pinterest.

Naturally, hearing about Sammy Sosa joining Pinterest was not something I cared much about, but then I saw it. Sammy Sosa’s Pinterest may be the greatest Pinterest page I have ever seen. It is literally nothing but pictures of Sammy posing with objects that nobody ever poses with; e.g. this picture of Sammy posing with his.. email? It’s fantastic.

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And then there’s the caption – “Sammy Sosa. Yes, I’m the real Sammy Sosa, and this is my Pinterest.” It is on every single picture.  When I saw the page for the first time, I thought it was a fake account or parody account set up by a rather strange admirer of all things Sammy. Why else would there be pictures of him posing in suits and sweaters and doing everyday tasks like sending a text? But Sammy confirmed that it was indeed his personal Pinterest page via his Twitter account.

As RedEye Chicago points out, Sammy’s publicist recently came out and admitted they are new to social meida, stating, “We’re learning social media, we’re not pros at it yet, but we’re working on it.” I would have to disagree, Ms. publicist — you nailed it. 
