In today’s world of 3D televisions and GoPro cams, the desire from sports fans to be closer and closer to the action has never been greater. Rugby fans got a taste of what might (and definitely should) be the future of live televised sports when an Australian rugby league referee Chris Pollock used the first sanctioned in-match ‘RefCam.’

refcamgearThe RefCam is bringing a never-before-seen look into the world of sports, directly from the eyes of a referee. FOX Sports Australia has called the RefCam “an absolute game changer,” and rightfully so.

Check out the incredible footage (below) from Pollock’s RefCam during a rugby match in Australia’s Super League. It’s pretty cool to watch plays develop out of nothing from just yards away, and to listen as Pollock interacts with the players during the game.

Ref cams like this have been used before. For example, check out this ref cam from an MMA fight, or the video below of a hockey ref cam. (Hat tip to Buzzfeed for the hockey video.)

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Can you imagine how awesome it would be to be three feet away from LeBron James when he posterizes somebody? Or get a sense of what it’s like to be on the field when nearly 100,000 people start screaming after Lionel Messi scores a goal in Camp Nou? Mind-blowing. Yes, some would argue that it might bring more scrutiny on referees if they were not in the correct position to make a call or if they just completely blew a call, but with that it would also give fans an idea of just how difficult making potentially game-changing decisions in real-time really is.

Either way, if you’re a sports fan it’s hard to argue that it wouldn’t be pretty awesome to see what it’s like to be on the field or court just feet from some of the world’s greatest athletes.
