Route 66


I had to add Route 66, aka America’s Main Street. Even though it’s has been replaced by the interstate system, it’s still very much alive. This road trip is pretty damn long, 2,400 miles (about 32 hour drive), be sure to give yourself plenty of time to check out attractions on the way. The major cities you’ll drive through are: Chicago, St. Louis, Springfield, Oklahoma City, Cadillac Ranch, Albuquerque, Flagstaff and Los Angeles.

Attractions: Cozy Dog Drive in (Springfield, Ill.), Chain of Rocks Bridge (St. Louis, MO., Meramec Caverns (Missouri), Will Rodgers Memorial (Claremore, OK) Cadillac Ranch (Amarillo, TX), Georgia O’Keeffe Museum (Santa Fe, NM), Meteor Crater (Winslow, AZ) and finally Santa Monica Pier in CA.