Urban Meyer Syndication: Detroit Free Press

The Ohio State Buckeyes program is in complete free fall.

Fans have become fed up with the incompetence of head coach Ryan Day after the Buckeyes lost to Michigan for the fourth consecutive year on Saturday. This was the most shocking loss to Michigan of Day’s tenure, as the Buckeyes were more than 20-point favorites at home in Columbus.

Still, Michigan walked away with a jaw-dropping 13-10 victory.

With so many public calls for Day’s head after the team’s miserable performance, there’s increasing pressure on the university to cut ties with its disgraced coach. Still, there’s one major question to answer should Ohio State pull the trigger and fire Day: who would replace him?

According to one Ohio native, there’s one legendary coach ready to step in immediately.

“Urban never wanted to leave Ohio State,” Jay Crawford said on the Ultimate Cleveland Sports Show. “His hand was forced, because the administration at the time, did not like how powerful Urban had become at the university. And so there was a real power struggle.”

“Note that the two main players that forced Urban out – and that’s what it was – are gone.”

Crawford later said that Meyer wouldn’t just be open to a return to Columbus, he’d be quite interested in it.

It’ll be interesting to see if this knowledge impacts the university’s decision on Day.

[Ultimate Cleveland Sports Show]

About Qwame Skinner

Qwame Skinner has loved both writing and sports his entire life. At Next Impulse, Qwame covers sports with the same enthusiasm he brings to his recreational basketball and softball leagues.