Alcoholics rejoice! There is now a vodka that can be enjoyed when you first wake up in the morning. Kellogg’s is about to enter the competitive world of flavored vodka, one crusty toaster pastry at a time. That’s right everyone’s favorite sugar-filled rectangular treat is about to be turned into a vodka. The company is said to begin with the classic flavors, Brown Sugar Cinnamon, Straw­berry and S’mores, with hopes of adding at least three new flavors each year.

And just like the infamous toaster pastry that you grew up on you can choose to have your Pop-Tarts chilled or toasted. Kellogg’s spokesperson Sheldon Smul­ligan said at a press conference, “What Amer­icans have always loved about Pop-Tarts is the option to eat them toasted or untoasted. Pop– Tarts Vodkas offer them similar fun flex­i­bility and trans­for­mative power.” Apparently Pop–Tarts Vodkas can be served chilled or heated, and when they’re heated, they take on a new “toasty” flavor. So does an 80-proof vodka Pop-Tart have you drooling or are you repulsed?

