John Wall ranks as one of top point guards in the league when it comes to blocking shots. With his freakishly athletic ability, chasing down shots in the open court is one of the better skill of the variety he possesses. But that doesn’t mean that he is no stranger to getting caught in a wrong defensive position when going for the swat. By now, everyone should have already witnessed the tragic death of Brandon Knight as he contests, or at least he tries to contest a dunk by a much larger and athletic DeAndre Jordan that short circuited the internet to for some reason allow a live murder to be viewed by as many as 2 million times on YouTube. Although John Wall have not experienced something as traumatic, he knows exactly what it is like to be in the shoes of his fellow Kentucky Wildcat. So he decided to a make good use of his knowledge and provide advice to help prevent these incidents from happening ever again.
From Washington Post:
“I have to think about who is going to dunk it. I don’t want to get dunked on,” Wall said, flashing a grin. “You just try to take your angles and if you know somebody is athletic, you’ve got to jump a little earlier.”
Duh. On helping against the Clippers:
“Not against that team. That team, you can’t help,” You know they got [Jordan] and Blake that’s jumping. You can’t help against those guys.”
Solid advice, it is not as if everyone didn’t already know that when the Clippers got nicknamed Lob City or the time Blake Griffin got up so high that his crotch was literally in the face of his defender. But I guess it doesn’t hurt to remind others. Seeing that he was once a victim of Blake Griffin.
I think the key is just to stop Chris Paul, guys. If he doesn’t throw the pass, it will save your ass. (Sorry, I will show myself out. Even I know that one was bad.)
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