Last Friday in honor of the 5th of November, an anonymous Washington State student successfully hacked into the school’s IT network. This student, dressed in the V from “V for Vendetta” costume broadcast a short video and diatribe by commandeering the projectors in several university lecture halls for some time. He or she equated the Cougar-students to becoming fatted squirrels, full of apathy and disregard for their education. As well, this masked person aims at igniting constructive conversation between the administration and the student body.

Washington State V Hacker con Squirrels

“I know why you do it. I know you’re afraid. Who wouldn’t be? Squirrels are ferocious creatures. Weighing in at 5 pounds muscle and 1 ounce fur, these diurnal rodents may multiply 3 fold in the time of one semester. They can survive almost any habitat feeding on seeds, nuts, or the unsuspecting meaty prey. Fear got the best of you and in your panic, you let them into our city, your lawns, and your very lives. ”

For this bold, badass and yet honorable move, we at Cosby Sweaters salute you.

Now if only you could please incite your football department.

Official Transcript


It has come to our attention that the WSU hacker is proudly donning a Cosby Sweater. For that, the entire Cosby Sweaters Staff would like to thank you personally for your continued support.

Thank you to Cosby Sweaters’ own “Scotty Thurman” for catching that.