Harrison Butker Lucas Peltier-USA TODAY Sports

Kansas City Chiefs star kicker Harrison Butker may not agree with Donald Trump on everything, but he clearly supports him enough to publicly endorse him on social media.

During a post on social media this weekend, Harrison Butker shared a post from Donald Trump in which he claimed that his administration “will be great for women and their reproductive rights” while indicating that he planned to support Trump in the upcoming election even though “no party or candidate is perfect.

“No party or candidate is perfect. I implore my fellow Catholic @JDVance to help bring the Republican Party back in line with the foundational platform that all life is valuable and there can be no compromise when it comes to defending the unborn,” Butker said in a post on X, the social media website that was formerly known as Twitter.

Butker went on to quote Father Chad Ripperger as he indicated that he sees Trump as the “lesser of two evils.”

“Our obligation is to vote for the lesser of two evils because voting for a lesser evil preserves the good that could be potentially lost.”

Clearly, Butker intends to cast his vote for Trump in the upcoming election.

[Harrison Butker]