Herschel Walker Syndication: Savannah Morning News

Former Georgia Bulldogs running back Herschel Walker appears to be caught in a pretty significant lie following his failed run at a Georgia Senate seat back in 2022, and the Georgia GOP is not happy about it.

According to a report from Politico, Herschel Walker still has more than $4 million in unused campaign funds that he seemingly has no intention of sharing with Georgia Republicans or Donald Trump even though the Georgia GOP is “nearly broke” and “in dire need of money.”

Based on the latest financial disclosures filed to the Federal Election Commission which were obtained by Politico, Walker still had $4.3 million in his account as of the end of March. But during a recent phone interview with Politico, Walker suggested that he didn’t have any money left in the account.

“It wasn’t money left in my account. Everyone keeps saying that,” Walker told Politico.

But when asked to elaborate or clarify his comments, Politico reports that Walker quickly ended the call, saying “We could talk about it some time.” However, he has not replied to any inquiries since.

Needless to say, it appears as though Walker has been caught in a pretty major lie as he claims that he does not have leftover campaign funds while documents show that he does.
