Donald Trump Adam Cairns-The Columbus Dispatch

Under the Joe Biden administration, transgender athletes have received a lot of protections thanks to changes to Title IX, allowing transgender women and girls to go by their chosen pronouns, use locker rooms associated with their gender identity, and participate in women’s and girl’s sports without discrimination. It’s safe to say that Donald Trump is not happy about this.

During a recent interview on the right-wing radio show Kahal & Company, Donald Trump absolutely blasted Joe Biden for instituting these protections for transgender students, placing the blame squarely on Biden’s shoulders and making it clear that he will repeal the changes “on day one” if he is elected president.

“It’s crazy. It’s crazy. We’re going to end it on day one. Don’t forget, that was done as an order from the President. That came down as an executive order. We’re going to change it on day one. On day one, it’s going to be changed – we’re going to change it. Yes, boys can go into girls’ locker rooms. The whole thing is crazy. Look, it’s like men playing in women’s sports,” Trump said.

“No, we’ll get that changed. Tell your people not to worry about it. It’ll be signed on day one – it’ll be terminated.”

Needless to say, it sounds like Trump is committed to ending those protections if he wins the upcoming election.

[1210 WPHT]