J.R. Smith made one of the biggest blunders in NBA Finals history by dribbling out the clock during the Cleveland Cavaliers Game 1 loss against the Golden State Warriors. It will be forever remembered as the ultimate boneheaded Smith play.

While Smith and the Cavs want to forget the moment, one person clearly doesn’t. In a recently completed NBA auction, someone shelled out more than $23,000 for the jersey Smith’s ‘choke’ jersey.

I’d wager the person who purchased the jersey is a Golden State Warriors fan and will gladly display the item alongside their Warriors championship gear. It’s an important part of Warriors history, as, without the blunder, the Cavaliers might have won Game 1 and had the momentum to win the series.

$23,000+ dollars is an insane amount of money, especially for a jersey, but it’s an important part of NBA history, even if it’s for all the wrong reasons. Who knows? Maybe Smith bought the jersey himself to burn it and get rid of it for good. I would if I was him.

[Busted Coverage]


About Liam McGuire

Social +Staff writer for The Comeback & Awful Announcing. Liammcguirejournalism@gmail.com