Although it was completely unintentional, Kansas State has decided to suspend their director of bands for one week for the unfortunately complex formation that the marching band botched during Kansas State’s season opener against South Dakota.

What was supposed to be a Jayhawk vs. a Starship Enterprise ended up looking like… a Jayhawk being attacked by a dick.


Frank Tracz, the Director of the Kansas State Marching Band, took to Facebook soon after the incident to show that he had really, really not meant for his band to depict a giant penis during the halftime show.

"The chart below represents the drill from tonight’s show. There was absolutely no intent to display anything other…

Posted by K-State Marching Band on Saturday, September 5, 2015

However, the apology was not enough for Kansas State, who quickly issued some self-imposed fines for Saturday’s drama. The school announced that it would suspend its band director for one week, issue a self-imposed fine of $5,000 to the Big 12 and would require itself to submit all future halftime shows to the Office of Student Life and the Athletic Department for prior approval. University President Kirk Schulz stated that the college “fell short of its obligation to conduct itself in a consistent manner with the principles of sportsmanship.”

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Oh well. The suspension may last one week but the Battle of the Jay Hawk and the Penis Starship Enterprise will live on forever.