Remember those Rob Lowe DirecTV ads with Rob Lowe and some-inferior-version-of-Rob-Lowe that were designed to convince viewers to switch from cable to DirecTV?

Well they’re (sort of) they’re back, except this time with former NFL wide receiver Randy Moss trying to convince people to switch to DirecTV for NFL Sunday Ticket.

Meet Randy Moss and his shorter counterpart Petite Randy Moss.

DirecTV had decided to end their advertising campaign with Rob Lowe earlier this year after the National Advertising Division of the Council of Better Business Bureaus ruled that the Lowe ads contained an “unsupported superiority message.” At the time of DirecTV’s decision to end the Lowe campaigns, DirecTV’s senior vice president of marketing Jon Gieselman stated that they “try to retire campaigns at their peak – before they jump the shark.”

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However, it’s not surprising that the company went back to the familiar concept with Moss, considering that the Lowe ads were extremely successful for DirecTV.

In the third quarter of 2014, DirecTV lost 28,000 subscribers. In the following quarter, when the campaign started its run, the company gained 149,000 subscribers. The figure was a steep increase from the 93,000 who signed up in the fourth quarter of 2013.

[Darren Rovell]