There have been a number of good NBA logo redesigns in the past few seasons. This Los Angeles Clippers logo overhaul is not one of them.

Per Uni-Watch, these workups are legitimately in the works based on confirmation from two anonymous sources.


Leaving aside the lazily slapped together black color scheme for “edge,” the logo itself looks like a quick Paint job from the trendy “basketball circular badge” look that is already being used to much better effect by the Warriors, Nets, Raptors and Bucks to the uninspiring ‘City of Los Angeles’ in the center.


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Uni-Watch states that these designs are not finalized but that the finished product would look similar to the proposals seen here.

Now, this doesn’t necessarily mean that the Clippers are definitely going with the entire graphics package that was shown to me by Source One. But it probably means that they’re going with something pretty close to it.

It should be noted that these may not be used as the team’s primary jersey. Complex states that these leaked schemes could be used as the basis for the team’s NBA Summer League games.

Just make baby blue jerseys without the sleeves. Those could be some of the best in the league compared to whatever this is.

[Uni-Watch] via [Complex]