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Metta World Peace is about to make a trip out to China to play for the Sichuan Blue Whales and he intends to change his name. Again.

So in order to give himself a new name, World Peace has taken inspiration from China, specifically China’s giant panda:

“World Peace, who is known in China as “Ci Shiping”, a literal translation of “Metta World Peace,” now plans to name himself after China’s giant panda, a precious animal based in Southwest China’s Sichuan province, where his new team is also based.”

The literal translation of World Peace’s planned name according to China Daily?

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“Panda Friend.”

“New high-profile import playing for Chinese basketball Association club Sichuan Blue Whales is known as Ron Artest but intends to change his name to ‘Panda Friend’ in honor of his move to China.”

And somehow, Metta World Peace found a way to top himself when it comes to thinking of new monikers. May he continue to join new international leagues and change his name on an annual basis. I can’t wait until “Panda Friend” joins an Italian League and changes his name to “Pizza Lover” or something equally ridiculous.

UPDATE: Metta World Peace corrected previous reports that he’d go by “Panda Friend” while in China:

[Complex] [China Daily]