
Jesus Shuttlesworth will be returning to the basketball court this week when Ray Allen and the Miami Heat wear their nickname jerseys in a game against the Brooklyn Nets, but Jesus may also be returning to the big screen sometime soon as well.

Allen, who played Shuttlesworth – a high school basketball phenom struggling with the big decision of where he’ll play college ball – in the 1998 Spike Lee film He Got Game, confirmed that he and Spike are mulling a sequel.

“Sequels to most movies are always fluff and not as good as the first,” Allen said Tuesday night before the Heat played the New Orleans Pelicans. “But it’s something we’ve been talking about for the last couple months. If we get a really good story line and are able to bring everybody back, then it would be something worth doing.”

That ‘everybody’ Allen is talking about includes Denzel Washington, who played Jesus’ father, and Rosario Dawson, who played Shuttlesworth’s girlfriend.

“We’ve got to get Denzel and we’ve got to get Rosario,” Allen said. “Obviously, it’s been 15 or 20 years, so there’s so many new story lines to talk about.”

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Allen has made it no secret that he intends on getting back into acting soon after he retires from the NBA, and I can’t really think of a better way to return to the silver screen than with a sequel to He Got Game.

Oh, and in case you’re wondering…the whole movie is currently available on YouTube for your viewing pleasure. You’re welcome.