Mickey Arison

After the NBA Relocation Committee voted unanimously to recommend rejecting a move by the Sacramento Kings to Seattle, every forlorn Sonics fan began focusing on alternative means of landing a team — either relocation from another market, or expansion. In the meantime, one scorned Sonics fan, Danny, took to Twitter to lead the charge in boycotting businesses run by owners on the relocation committee (similar to many Sonics fans who have boycotted Starbucks since 2008).

One of those committee members is Miami Heat owner Mickey Arison, who took notice of Danny’s tweets, and followed back in order to engage in a direct message chat. Thankfully, Danny sent screen caps of the entire exchange to 950 KJR AM (Seattle sports radio).

The most significant piece of the chat involves the talk of expansion. As we’ve mentioned before, the assumption is that expansion won’t be discussed until 2016, when terms of the new television contract are known. Arison essentially confirmed that timetable, while also addressing the possibility of relocation. However, considering those opportunities don’t present themselves every day, it’s going to be a long time before the NBA returns to Seattle. A very long time.

Mickey Arison


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