According to Adrian Wojnarowski of Yahoo Sports, it looks like the Sacramento Kings will not be relocating to Seattle after all. It appears that the NBA committees have voted unanimously to halt the relocation of Kings to Seattle, which should cause a nice little uproar in Seattle. There is a leaguewide vote scheduled for the week of May 13 but unless something drastic happens it looks like the Kings will be staying put in Northern California.

According to Ben Golliver of S.I.

The committee, compared of 12 members, has held several meetings in recent weeks and prepared a report for the NBA’s full Board of Governors, who will vote on the matter during the week of May 13. League rules require a seven-day waiting period for that report to be considered before a final, definitive vote of the Board of Governors can be taken on whether the Kings should remain in Sacramento or move to Seattle. Monday’s vote is widely regarded as a sign that the Kings will remain in Sacramento for the 2013-14 season, as any franchise relocation requires 23 of the league’s 30 owners to approve.

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The mayor of Sacramento and former NBA star, Kevin Johnson, seemed pleased.

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