In some alternative timeline, Johnny Manziel is playing for the Cleveland Browns, the San Diego Padres and the Harlem Globetrotters simultaneously.

After all, those are the three teams that have drafted Johnny Football so far this year.

The Browns used the 22nd overall pick in the NFL draft to get Manziel while the Padres picked him up in the 28th round of baseball’s draft. He can now count himself among the seven draftees for the Globetrotters this year, although the position is obviously honorary.

“Johnny Manziel is a fantastic athlete that knows how to be entertaining. ‘Johnny Basketball’ has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it?’’ “Sweet Lou” Dunbar, Globetrotters’ director of player personnel, says in a press release.

I don’t know about that reasoning. The whole extra syllable really throws off the rhythm of the whole “Johnny [insert sport here]” moniker.

The Globetrotters also drafted Landon Donovan, presumably because he’s actually not very busy right now.

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manziel-donovan-draft-jerseys-e1403576946808[For the Win!]