2018 wasn’t a great year for former ‘Lethal Weapon’ star Clayne Crawford. The actor was fired from the show after claims he was “emotionally abusive” and created an “unsafe environment” on set. Multiple claims – some from former co-star Damon Wayans – were made against Crawford. Now, Crawford is calling BS on some of the rumors.

In an exclusive interview with the Drinkin’Bros Podcast, Crawford called rumors he yelled at bystanders near a pool “a blatant fucking lie.” Admitting he did yell at a first unit director, adding “Hollywood is very sensitive.”

“Hollywood is very sensitive, so I should not have screamed and yelled, right, because it’s a bunch of very delicate flowers out there,” he continued. Crawford dismissed claims by Wayans’ that he was “targeted” in an episode directed by the actor, and said he was cleared of any wrongdoing.

Furthermore, Crawford alleged he was blackmailed for “the entire season” with the tapes which were eventually released. His firing caught him off guard.

I just didn’t think they were going to get rid of me, I guess,” he admitted. “And if they did, I thought they’d give me a buzz … just a jangle?”


Fox has since hired Sean William Scott to replace Crawford as Riggs on the show.

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It’s got to suck to be blackmailed and fired, but by most accounts, Crawford was being unprofessional and disruptive. It’s not the “delicate flowers” fault he was canned, it’s his own. Sure, some of the allegations might not be true, but even with what’s been released and what Crawford admitted to is enough to at least suggest they might be true. Even if half them aren’t, Crawford’s got to treat his co-workers better. If he keeps screaming at AD’s and calling Hollywood sensitive he’s just going to blackball himself. He’s too good of an actor to self-destruct his own career.

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About Liam McGuire

Social +Staff writer for The Comeback & Awful Announcing. Liammcguirejournalism@gmail.com