
On Monday, the Miami Dolphins mercifully ended the Joe Philbin era after a few years of dull mediocrity, give or take a bullying scandal.

Dolphins owner Stephen Ross released a statement on the firing, calling it a “tough decision.”

“This was a tough decision for me to make knowing how tirelessly Joe worked in his four years here to make this a winning team. He is a man of the highest character and integrity that I developed a close personal relationship with. I am extremely disappointed with how we have started the season, but I feel confident that we can improve quickly with the talent we have on our roster. We will soon be announcing an interim coach to lead the team going forward.”

Reactions from around Twitter were pretty uniform on Philbin’s firing. They came in two forms.

1. Joe Philbin was a Good Man.

2. Joe Philbin deserved to be fired.

People were interested in these podcasts

Yes, even Joe Philbin Twitter takes are nearly as boring as Joe Philbin.

[Miami Dolphins]