The San Diego City Council voted to approve a $2.1 million environmental study on Tuesday in an attempt to keep the Chargers in the San Diego area.

However, while the plan was approved, the path that the vote took to get its approval was decidedly odd. For one, the Chargers themselves were opposed to the study. Councilwoman Marti Emerald, who voted no on the proposal, noted how bizarre it was that the council was voting on a study that the Chargers had no interest in seeing done:

“All of this begs the question: What part of ‘no’ do stadium boosters not understand?” said Emerald. “The Chargers say they want no part of this and I say it’s time to listen. Take them seriously and let them go to Carson.”

So, who did the proponents of the bill get to lobby on the behalf of San Diego and its resident fans when the Chargers themselves are already thinking about a new stadium in Carson? None other than unofficial team mascot Dan “Boltman” Jauregui who masterfully showed up to the city council meeting in full costume.

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While we may never know exactly how persuasive Boltman’s testimony was on the city council, San Diego major Kevin Faulconer’s spokesman Tony Manolatos did credit the unofficial mascot for lending his hand in their efforts to keep the Chargers in San Diego.

“You know it’s a big deal if Boltman shows up to your news conference or rally,” Manolatos told Perry. “He’s made this effort his mission.”

[SB Nation]