peter king

Peter King is one of the most well known sports writers alive but this is definitely not his finest moment.

While King was observing the Buffalo Bills’ complete evisceration of the New York Jets, he made this observation.

On its own, innocuous. Hell, there’s not even a coffee reference to be found! Unfortunately for King, the word “indictment” was extremely ill-timed as THIS RATHER PIVOTAL EVENT WAS GOING DOWN AT THE EXACT SAME TIME THAT KING DECIDED TO TWEET HIS COMPLETELY OBVIOUS OBSERVATION ABOUT JETS FOOTBALL.

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There is no “oops” large enough in the world to make up for that. King tried at least:

Apparently, Peter King doesn’t look at any news feeds while he’s deep in concentration observing how bad the Jets are at special teams. Hell, one would think that he would see the Ferguson news if he checked out Twitter before tweeting.
