Josh McCown might have copped a side of fries after signing a $10 million contract.

The 38-year-old New York Jets quarterback decided to rejoin the Jets after agreeing to the one-year deal earlier this week. So how did McCown celebrate? By inking his deal on his phone in a Chick-fil-A parking lot.

Shout-out to McCown’s son Aiden for snapping the pic.

It might seem like a bizarre move for McCown to sign the deal in his car, but considering the Jets were McCown’s fourth team in five years, the vet QB didn’t need to roll out anything fancy, instead, opting to just read it over and sign it.

McCown’s probably thrilled he managed to score a $10 million guaranteed deal even though he’s probably going to backup fresh signee Teddy Bridgewater – who also signed a huge deal, worth $15 million over one season.

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Congratulations to McCown on the massive deal. I’d bet he treated himself and Aiden to the real expensive Chick-fill-A items that aren’t on the value menu. Heck, with $10 million McCown can eat Chick-fil-A every single day for the rest of his life. I wouldn’t recommend that, however.

About Liam McGuire

Social +Staff writer for The Comeback & Awful Announcing.