My instant reaction to today’s news that the Sacramento Kings will be staying in Sacramento is that it’s the middle of the afternoon, I’m at work, and I don’t have enough alcohol in me (translation: none) to really say what I want, so I’ll keep it simple (for now). The fact is, with this latest development, the NBA won’t be coming back to Seattle anytime soon, and for two main reasons:

1. The world is short on Howard Schultzs and Gavin/Joe/George Maloofs — owners willing to screw over their fan bases for a big pay day. They don’t come around often, meaning the next soul-less billionaire should rear his backstabbing head sometime in the next 5-8 years.

2. Expansion isn’t happening, so stop talking about it…okay, fine, I’ll talk about it. But just this once. And only about the reality, which is: expansion is not going to be discussed until details of the new television contract are known. That’s in 2016. So even if a new team is awarded to Seattle, it’ll be 2017-18 at the earliest. I will not be holding my breath.

Toss in the very real possibility that Seattle’s political landscape will shift dramatically in the next few years (anti-arena, anti-sports), and it’s a safe bet that it will be at least five years before Seattle gets an NBA team — if ever. Thus, I’m just going to leave these here, and watch them over and over again. Something I’ve done for the last five years.

Oh, I almost forgot, one more thing: Fuck You, Howard Schultz.

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