Former NBA Legend and TNT analyst Shaquille O’Neal isn’t afraid to be unique. His no-care positive attitude extends to fashion. Like on Thursday, Shaq decided to wear a sick pair of light-up sneakers to an event.

In the daylight, the shoes just look like shiny sneaks with Shaq’s all-white get up.

All whitey then

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But, turn off the lights and O’Neal’s shoes speak for themselves, lighting up the dance floor like they were made to belong there.

Boy was shining wasn’t he #whatarethose #shineonem #feetwork #shaqshoestherealbigballerbrand

A post shared by DR. SHAQUILLE O’NEAL Ed.D. (@shaq) on

There’s no way I’m not mentioning Shaq’s excellent use of hashtags in the post. Putting #WhatAreThose instantly excludes him from getting memed on, as he’s self-aware about the shoes. Also, #shaqshoestherealbigballerbrand is a solid dig at LaVar and Lonzo Ball’s shoe ridiculousness. Somehow, these are better than BBB’s ZO2’s.

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If anything, Shaq proves the light-up shoes you wore as a youngster are, in fact, in style. But, pulling them off like Shaq did will be a difficult feat. Maybe, we should all stick to our normal pair of sneakers and leave the stylin’ to Shaq.

[SB Nation]

About Liam McGuire

Social +Staff writer for The Comeback & Awful Announcing.