Usually when we post about Kevin Durant it’s a SportsCenter Top 10 play. This time, however, it’s more of a Not Top 10. Team USA took on Great Britain in Manchester, Thursday, as part of a series of exhibition games before the London Olympics. In the first quarter of the game, Kevin Durant drove the lane, as he so often does, and went up for what looked like an easy two point slam, but the ball just didn’t want to go in. Great Britain got the rebound and turned for the fast break when Kobe Bryant stole the ball and threw it back down court to Kevin for what seemed like another easy two points, but once again Kevin couldn’t finish and he ran down court laughing in disbelief.

Ultimately, the two missed baskets didn’t make much of a difference as Team USA went on to defeat the Brits, 89-55, but I’m sure KD caught some flak from his teammates for missing two easy ones. Watch the uncharacteristic back-to-back misses by Durant here:





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