Michael Jordan went to Paris this weekend to celebrate Quai 54 and Jordan Brand’s 30th Anniversary.

During his stay, he was asked whether he thought that he could beat any of his Hornets players in a game of one-on-one. Jordan being Jordan, his answer likely didn’t surprise many:

I’m pretty sure I can, so I don’t want to do that and demolish their confidence. So I stay away from them, I let them think they’re good…but I’m too old to do that anyway.

Could Jordan actually beat any member of the Hornets? On the one hand, the idea of a 52 year-old beating a pro basketball player in prime condition is ridiculous. That’s a difference of around three decades in terms of life experience. On the other hand, that 52 year-old is Michael Jordan. Also, the Hornets’ roster isn’t exactly bursting at the seams with fearsome individual talent. Hell, one of the team’s most promising players, Michael Kidd-Gilchrist, lost a one-on-one to Jordan a few years back. And it’s not like MJ can’t execute his famous and deadly mid-range jump shot anymore.

Whatever one thinks of the hypothetical match up, there is little denying that Jordan’s trash talking game is still in tip top shape though. Even while declining to challenge any of the Hornets current players, MJ finds a way to get in a few masterful verbal jabs of his own.

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