In keeping with the tradition of the Big Skeezy Challenege 2011, I’ve decided to start sharing some of my tasty and healthy recipes with you all.  First up is one of my personal favorites, and one that I have grown quite fond of over the past few weeks.  It’s called a “Malad”, which is a contracted form of the words “man” and “salad”.  Needless to say, this is a beefy, hearty meal that is guaranteed to fill you up!  It’s also pretty damn good for you, all things considered, especially if you’re doing the low-carb diet like I am.

This is something I tend to make up as I go, so the amounts can be adjusted depending on what you like.  Here’s my usual ingredient list:

1 – 1.5 lb. ground beef

1 head of lettuce

1 onion

1 bag shredded cheese (mexican style is what I use)

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Lawry’s seasoned salt


Hot sauce

Chop the onion and put it into a skillet with the ground beef.  Put it over medium heat and season it with Lawrey’s.  While that cooks, chop up the lettuce and put it into a large bowl.

Cook the beef and onion mixture until the onions are translucent and soft.  Once that is achieved (and the meat is cooked, which it should be by then), drain the mixture and put it into the bowl with the lettuce.

Add the cheese and salsa.  Toss thoroughly.

Serve in a bowl and top with the hot sauce.  Once you’re done you should have something that looks like this:

Good...and good for you!

That’s really all there is to it!  This malad is very hearty and will fill you up nicely!  You can also add whatever else you might like – avocado, other seasonings, etc.  The sky’s the limit with something like this!