Tiger Woods Jason Parkhurst-USA TODAY Sports

Tiger Woods is currently overseas as he prepares for this week’s British Open, but it sounds like he didn’t get a lot of rest on his flight across the Atlantic Ocean from Florida because he was concerned about the shooting that nearly killed former United States President Donald Trump.

During a recent interview, Tiger Woods revealed that he spent the entire flight watching coverage of the attempted shooting of former United States President Donald Trump.

“I didn’t accomplish a lot because I wasn’t in the right frame of mind,” Woods said according to the BBC. “It was a long night [because of the assassination attempt] and that’s all we watched the entire time on the way over here.

“I didn’t sleep at all on the flight, and then we just got on the golf course.”

Woods has maintained respect for Trump even during his presidency.

“Well, he’s the president of the United States. You have to respect the office. No matter who is in the office, you may like, dislike personality or the politics, but we all must respect the office,” Woods said back in 2018 according to ESPN.

Woods also has a personal relationship with Trump as he has said that he has known the former president for “a number of years.”

“Well, I’ve known Donald for a number of years,” Woods told reporters. “We’ve played golf together. We’ve had dinner together. I’ve known him pre-presidency and obviously during his presidency.”

Clearly, he was quite shaken by the attempt on Trump’s life.