An unidentified man in Osceola County, Florida is wanted on counts of armed burglary and sexual battery. While that is no laughing matter, what is funny is the police sketch of the unidentified suspect. It just so happens that the suspect composite looks oddly similar to that of Clippers all-star forward Blake Griffin.

I first came across this picture Tuesday night when Chandler Parsons of the Houston Rockets tweeted a picture of the wanted man. Matt Barnes then later put the same picture on his Instagram account. I couldn’t help but see the resemblance.

After some research, I found the sketch of the suspect, and wow. It looks incredibly similar to Blake Griffin’s rivals picture from his high school days.


While it is obvious that Blake Griffin is not the culprit behind these heinous crimes, I wonder if the person describing the suspect to the artist knew it was going to turn out looking like the twin brother of Griffin.

[Osceola Sheriff’s Department]

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