The Ellis Coleman Project


Wow, amazing stuff. You may know that is Ellis Coleman, the frist wrestler to pull off the flying squirrel in international competition. What you may not know yet is that this electrifying athlete will represent United States, fighting for gold on Aug 6th.

We at Cosby Sweaters are exctited to have this amazing athlete/internet sensation representing our country in London. And in an attempt to show our support and  inspire 20 year old coleman to victory we are attempting to double his nearly 5 million views of the fly squirrel before he competes on Aug 6th.

So if you think the clip is cool, of you want to help inspire ellis coleman, or even if you just want to spead a great Olympic story, please share this video with somefriends the next time you procrastinate. Let’s make Coleman an Olympic sensation by spreading this video and his popularity. With the entire internet behind him, Coleman is sure to succeed.


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via elRamilio and TheMat