Dallas Cowboys nose tackle Josh Brent was arrested on Saturday for intoxication manslaughter after he crashed the car he and late teammate Jerry Brown left a club in early Saturday morning. The Texas Alcohol Beverage Commission is now investigating the business that Brent and Brown were at before the crash. Privae, a club that is upstairs inside another club called Beamers, is believed to be where the Cowboys players were in attendance the night of the crash.

Kimesha Jackson, a promoter for Privae, was tweeting about how Cowboys players (amongst other celebrities) were in attendance the night of the accident and how they were ordering multiple bottles of Ace of Spades champagne.



Carolyn Beck, a spokeswoman for the TABC, told USA TODAY Sports more about the investigation:

“We’re looking at whether (alcohol) was served to somebody who was intoxicated, which is illegal in Texas,” Beck said.

To make that determination, the commission typically interviews workers and witnesses, plus looks at time-stamped receipts and video. It also considers the driver’s blood-alcohol concentration. If the receipts show several hours of drinking, and the driver has a high BAC, the commission would have a strong case.

This could be bad news for Privae, as the TABC could levy sanctions against the business, such as fines and suspension or even complete cancellation of the business’ permit to sell alcohol.

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[USA Today]