America’s Funniest Home Videos as a television show is not without its flaws. There’s the interviews with video subjects’ families that are never really memorable or that funny. There’s the cloying narration that all too often ends up falling flat. There’s the piped in laughter that makes the entire thing sound unnecessarily dated. Most of the time, all that people want to see is some eye-popping unintentional physical humor without all the production fluff.

Thankfully, some brilliant mind at AFHV has put together a social media channel for the program that brilliantly captures the highlights of the show in a way that they can truly be enjoyed – as Vines.

Seriously, this is so much more hilarious and time-efficient than actually watching America’s Funniest Home Videos.

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If you have a Vine account, it’s a pretty pro follow is all I’m saying.

[The Big Lead]