Ash Davis Ash Davis

As the debate surrounding transgender women participating in women’s sports rages on, a transgender women’s rugby player has been accused of injuring opponents with “dangerous” tackles that resulted in expulsion from the match.

Last month, Diana Murphy – who claims to be the former official photographer for former Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chrétien – posted a thread on Twitter where she revealed that a “transwoman” rugby player had to be removed from the game after injuring three of her opponents.

“Last weekend 3, yes three women’s rugby players had to be removed from a game and treated for injuries from hits sustained by a transwoman.

The referee, after repeated dangerous tackles, had to remove the trans player from the game,” Murphy said in a tweet.

Murphy added that the players were injured as a result of being “dump tackled.”

“I add, and emphasize- all 3 players injured, were as a result of being dump tackled.

That’s where one is lifted up and dumped on their head. Yes! Picked up and dumped on their heads to inflict harm!” Murphy said.

Reduxx has since confirmed the story and identified the player as Ash Davis, revealing that they previously played in the men’s division of the club and had been named the league’s “hardest hitter” just last year.

[Diana Murphy, Reduxx]