Curt Schilling has had a lot of time on his hands since being fired by ESPN in April. Via a recent Facebook post, Schilling has taken up politics and plans to run for the Oval Office in 2024.

 Schilling has not been shy to make it known that he is a very strong conservative and endorsed Donald Trump in May. As seen above, he is not a fan of Hillary Clinton. In the past, Schilling has been very open with his beliefs which have included:

  • Using a meme to compare Muslims to Nazi’s.
  • He would be “stunned and upset” if Hillary didn’t go to prison over her email scandal.
  • Making it very clear that he is pro-gun after the tragic Orlando nightclub mass shooting.
  • Posting an anti-transgender meme on Facebook, which resulted in him getting fired from ESPN.

Could Schilling really be thinking about running for President in 2024? Considering Donald Trump is the Republican nominee it certainly seems like anything is possible.


[New York Post]


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