Donald Trump Syndication: The Record

Earlier this month, former United States President Donald Trump was officially indicted on 37 different counts after a Department of Justice investigation into his alleged mishandling of classified documents. Following those charges, the former president joined Fox News to defend himself, and he had a pretty shocking excuse for what he claimed happened.

During an interview with Brett Baier of Fox News, Donald Trump was asked why he didn’t simply hand over the classified documents when he was told to do so by the Department of Justice. Trump had a pretty surprising response, telling Baier that it was because the classified documents were in boxes mixed with his golf stuff.

“I had boxes. I wanted to go through the boxes and get my personal things out. I don’t want to hand that over to NARA yet,” Trump said. “And I was very busy as you’ve sort of seen.”

“Before I send boxes over, I have to take all of my things out. These boxes were interspersed with all sorts of things – golf shirts, clothing, pants, shoes. There were many things,” Trump said.

It’s a pretty horrible excuse for failing to turn over classified documents, and people had plenty to say about it.

It’s certainly an interesting defense from the former president. We’ll have to see if it holds up in court.
