Donald Trump Adam Cairns-The Columbus Dispatch

Donald Trump is on top of the sports world at the moment, as his “Donald Dance” is being performed across the country by athletes, but the year has had its share of downs for him as well.

It’s no secret that Donald Trump survived not one but two assassination attempts while on the campaign trail earlier in the year. Trump survived the attempts but is still dealing with the fallout.

On Thursday there was a hearing concerning the attempts on the Preisdent-elect’s life. Unfortunately, the hearing took a turn for the worse after acting Secret Service Director Ronald Rowe lost his cool with representative Pat Fallon.

Rowe took exception after Fallon blasted him for lapses in the President-elect’s security.

“Fallon showed a picture of Presidents Biden and Trump at a 9/11 commemoration ceremony this year and suggested that as the Special Agent in Charge of that detail, Rowe should have been close enough to Biden to be in the picture,” reported FOX News.

“Who is usually at an event like this closest to the President of the United States?” Fallon asked. “Were you the special agent in charge of the detail that day?”

“That is the day where we remember more than 3,000 people that have died on 9/11. I actually responded to Ground Zero,” Rowe responded. “I was there going through the ashes of the World Trade Center.”

“I’m not asking that, I’m asking you, if you were… were you the special agent in charge!?” Fallon interjected.

“I was there to show respect for a Secret Service member that died on 9/11!” Rowe yelled. “Do not invoke 9/11 for political purposes!”

“You are, sir. You are out of line, congressman!” Rowe went on to say. “Way out of line.”

“You will not politicize it!” Rowe went on to scream about the tragic day.

Hopefully, the two were able to settle their differences afterward.


About Qwame Skinner

Qwame Skinner has loved both writing and sports his entire life. At Next Impulse, Qwame covers sports with the same enthusiasm he brings to his recreational basketball and softball leagues.