Is it Sabotage to change it up?

When it comes to create tone and emotion for a trailer, there a few things to consider, such which clips to select, how you want to briefly tell the story without giving anything away, and how many times you want to piss off fans by still giving things away.

One of the biggest entities that can make or break your trailer, has to be the music. What song do you use and why? Should it be an original score, or do you find that one established tune that makes a statement about your movie?

Matthew Longua decided to go with the latter while remixing an official trailer for Rogue One: A Star Wars Story by adding a little Beastie Boys to it. The results add a little adrenaline to the action-packed sequences, with the heavy guitar and powerful delivery of said Boys in every word. But is it better than the original? That’s for you to decide.

For more Star Wars goodness, check out these soccer uniforms inspired by the popular franchise in the deck below.

