The fourth Michael Bay-directed installment of the Transformers franchise, Transformers: Age of Extinction, is so close we can already hear the roar of the Dinobots. Extinction is set to hit theaters June 27th.
The fourth Michael Bay-directed installment of the Transformers franchise, Transformers: Age of Extinction, is so close we can already hear the roar of the Dinobots. Extinction is set to hit theaters June 27th.
"I mean, it's a possibility."
“I'm trying to win right now.”
Let's rank the top eight Super Bowl LIX contenders before Week 16 of the 2024 NFL season.
"Forever my GOAT"
"That's the plan, man."
"I mean, it's a possibility."
“I'm trying to win right now.”
Let's rank the top eight Super Bowl LIX contenders before Week 16 of the 2024 NFL season.
"Forever my GOAT"
"That's the plan, man."