Aaron Rodgers Robert Deutsch-USA TODAY Sports

On Thursday morning, CNN reported some pretty jarring news about Aaron Rodgers, claiming that he once approached a CNN journalist and berated her for the network’s coverage of the Sandy Hook shooting. Rodgers claimed that the shooting did not happen and was just a government inside job.

“In 2013, when CNN’s Pamela Brown was covering the Kentucky Derby, she was introduced to Rodgers. Hearing that she was a journalist for CNN, Rodgers began attacking the news media for ‘covering up important stories,’” Jake Tapper of CNN said. “Rodgers then brought up the Sandy Hook shooting and said the news media was intentionally ignoring that the shooting wasn’t real – that it was a government inside job.”

It was a pretty disgusting thing for Rodgers to claim, and he was quickly blasted by a lawyer who represented several parents of children killed in the mass shooting.

“A quick open letter to NY Jets quarterback and massive weirdo Aaron Rodgers, from me, an attorney who for many years represented several Sandy Hook parents,” Mark Bankston began in a thread on X, formerly Twitter.

Here is the full message from Bankston

“Hey Aaron, not sure if you’ll see this, but I figure the best chance is to put it here on Twitter, where it will hopefully be sandwiched between a tweet claiming the measles vaccine makes children gay and an ad for a cryptocurrency scam.

“To start, I can’t say it really surprised to me to see you had been spreading nonsense about Sandy Hook because although I have not followed your sports career closely, I am quite aware that you are a slow-witted, gullible person.

“Sadly, I’d have to live under a rock not to notice the frequency in which the media reports on whatever screwball propaganda you most recently swallowed like a hungry trout confronted with a shiny lure.

“Being a poor schmuck who latches onto claptrap maybe isn’t the biggest sin in this day and age, but I can’t fathom how on earth you manufactured the confidence to think you have something useful to offer to any of these discussions.

“As the Greeks instructed: ‘Gnōthi sauton.’ Know thyself. You are a dumb jock. God apparently gave you many talents, but critical thinking is not one of them.

“With your immense fortune, there is no reason you can’t hire someone to assess and evaluate basic day-to-day information so you don’t have to. Because you’re not very good at it.

“I already knew this about you, but what I learned today — that you were one of those freaks telling reporters (and god knows who else) that the Sandy Hook parents were liars and actors — crosses a line you can’t come back from.

“It means you can’t be trusted with important decisions. It means nobody benefits from listening to you. It means you’re broken in a fundamental way. It means you’re weak, and you’re desperate to believe what a grifter will happily sell you.

“It means you’re not a leader and will never be one. You’re not cut out to be an influencer, a role model, or even an amusing iconoclast. Because you’re not eccentric; you’re defective. And that’s not a funny joke.

“There’s more I could say about the limitations of your character and judgment, but instead I’ll conclude with a very simple request that I hope will reach your ears: Could you please shut the [expletive] up?”

Those are some harsh words for Rodgers. But after what Rodgers was accused of, it seems fair.

[Mark Bankston]