Rainbow Flag Syndication: Camarillo

The state of New Jersey has a set of recommendations for policies for transgender students in its public schools, recommending that schools allow students to compete on sports teams consistent with their gender identity, but some school districts in the state are choosing not to follow those policies.

The state of New Jersey has a seven-page set of recommendations titled “Transgender Student Guidance for School Districts.” In it, the state says that “all students must be allowed to participate in a manner consistent with their gender identity,” meaning transgender girls should be permitted to compete in girl’s sports. But it sounds like two school districts in the state have decided against adopting this state-recommended policy.

According to a report from NorthJersey.com, the Franklin Lakes School District and the Westwood Regional School Board have both decided against implementing the guidelines recommended by the state.

Trustee Scott Loia of the Franklin Lakes school board said that he does not “buy into this gender nonsense,” he told NorthJersey.com.

Loia said that he thinks “less is more” when it comes to a policy like this and said that the decision to abolish the policy completely is because the school districts that abolish the plan have run into fewer legal problems than those who try to edit it.
