Former President Donald Trump speaks during the Lincoln Dinner on Friday, July 28, 2023, at the Iowa Events Center in Des Moines. Syndication: USA TODAY

Former United States President Donald Trump has already made it pretty clear that he does not support transgender women or girls competing in sports according to their gender identity, but the former president made it clear that he not only wants to prohibit transgender athletes from playing school sports, but he wants to get rid of transgender ideology in schools altogether.

During a speech in Ottumwa, Iowa this week, Donald Trump announced that if he wins the presidency he will “cut federal funding” to any school in America that he claims is pushing “transgender insanity.”

“On day one, I will sign a new executive order to cut federal funding for any school pushing critical race theory, transgender insanity, and other inappropriate racial, sexual, or political content on our children.”

Currently, the Joe Biden administration is trying to move forward with a plan that would allow transgender athletes to be protected federally by Title IX. Meanwhile, Trump claims he wants to terminate the Department of Education and give more power to the states when it comes to social issues/

“Just so you know, I am going to terminate the Department of Education – move education back to the states,” Trump said. “So, Iowa can run their own education. Many states will do a phenomenal job.”

It’s certainly a bold plan and it’s clear that Trump will not be supporting transgender athletes anytime soon.

[Jordan Conradson]