Donald Trump Mark Peterson/Pool via USA TODAY

As the 2024 presidential election nears, legendary Notre Dame women’s basketball head coach Muffet McGraw has made it pretty clear who she will be voting for.

In a post on social media, Muffet McGraw did not hold back her opinions as she called out Donald Trump for creating a climate of “division and hate” in the country.

“Sports are a microcosm of society. We showcase how a group of diverse people, white, black, straight, gay, religious or not, can come together united by something bigger than ourselves,” McGraw said in her post.

“We are teammates, who are striving for the same goals, sacrificing personal accolades for the good of the group. We role model how to put ‘we’ before ‘me’. But we are starting to lose the joy in team celebrations because we are being overrun by trolls who never played or coached the game at a high level but are suddenly self-proclaimed experts on what we do. The current climate in our country is one of division and hate. Anyone who doesn’t look like us or believe what we do is now the enemy. The haters are trolling with alarming rage & escalated violent threats.”

“How did we get here? short answer: Donald trump got us here,” McGraw continued.

“He gave permission for people to be outwardly racist, homophobic, misogynistic and cruel.(not that it was ok to be any of those inwardly) His complete lack of civility, decorum, and his pension for infantile name calling, blaming, & blatant lying have made it ok for others to do the same. Cowards who hide behind a fake name on social media are not just hurting our game, they are destroying our country.

“So, what are we gonna do about it? It’s not the league office or the IN Fever who control the posts of these petulant, churlish cream puffs. Yes, they could prob do more but Its on all of us to fight back. Let’s take Kamala Harris’ advice and choose hope. If you really want to see change you have to vote for it! Meanwhile, Let’s focus on what’s good about our game. Let’s come together and start supporting and encouraging women. Let’s stand up and have the courage to use our voice to let people know that we have their back. There’s an old saying that if you aren’t part of the solution, you are part of the problem. So, what are YOU doing to combat hate? Be a spark and maybe we can ignite the world.”

McGraw coached the Notre Dame Fighting Irish women’s basketball team from 1987 until her retirement in 2020.

Now, she’s clearly using her platform to speak out on issues important to her.

[Muffet McGraw]