Steve Jobs moves from one presentation to the next—first WWDC and now to local government officials. Yesterday, Steve Jobs presented his proposal to the Cupertino City Council for a new Apple Campus.

New Apple Campus

New Apple Campus Side View

New Apple Campus Aerial

New Apple Campus Another Aerial

Steve Jobs was quoted as saying.

“It’s a pretty amazing building. It’s a little like a spaceship landed. It’s got this gorgeous courtyard in the middle… It’s a circle. It’s curved all the way around. If you build things, this is not the cheapest way to build something. There is not a straight piece of glass in this building. It’s all curved. We’ve used our experience making retail buildings all over the world now, and we know how to make the biggest pieces of glass in the world for architectural use. And, we want to make the glass specifically for this building here. We can make it curve all the way around the building… It’s pretty cool.”